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These are just starting point and you're encouraged to explore as many resources as possible.
You're encouraged to include at least 3 resources in your paper and presentation.
Visit local galleries, museums, bookstore or library. Enjoy!

Internet Resources:

Web Museum

: Information on different Impressionism artists

Virtual Museum

: Art history and biography of the artists

Art in the Picture

: Wonderful Art sources sources

Impressionism Info

: Information on artists, art works, exhibition and books


Book Resources:

Parks, Peggy J. (2006), Impressionism. Lucent Books

Welton, Jude (1993) Eyewitness Art: Impressionism. DK ADULT

Muhlberger, Richard (2002) What Makes A Monet A Monet? Viking Juvenile

Bjork, Christina and Anderson, Lena (1987) Linnea in Monet’s Garden. R & S Books; 1st edition

Gruitrooy, Gerhard (2009) Renoir: A Master of Impressionism. New Line Books

Muhlberger, Richard (2002) What Makes A Degas A Degas? Viking Juvenile



Linnea in Monet's Garden by Heinz Schachtner (DVD, 1999)
